Saturday, May 2, 2020

19. 50 Categories of People for Whom to Pray

Hello my siblings in Christ, I’m Bojan and in this short clip I hope to present to you some 50 categories of people you can pray

  1. Pray for the world. Yes, for the whole world. Some people pray the Jesus prayer in plural. Elder Sophrony would say the pray like this: Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us and on the whole world.
  2. Next, pray for your family and friends.
  3. Pray for your significant other. Always pray for your spouse - he or she will need all the strength to endure you.
  4. Pray for your ancestors and progeny. Remember to pray for the ones thanks to whom you’re here today, and the ones you’ll leave behind.
  5. Pray for your enemies, and I mean all kinds of enemies. Your personal enemies, business competitors, nations that war against your own, people who hurt you and whom you’d like to hurt.
  6. Pray for people you have met today. Why not make a chance meeting a chance for someone else’s blessing? 
  7. Pray for anyone you have ever met. You are the intersection of all the people you have ever interacted with. Even if it was for the worse, pray for their blessing.
  8. Pray for the Church. Church is doing God’s work in this fallen world. It needs all the prayers that it can possibly get.
  9. Pray for your bishop and your parish priests. These two in particular need your prayer; they pray for you whenever they serve the Liturgy.
  10. Pray for your spiritual father. Your spiritual father is the one who ensures that you stay on the narrow path to Christ. In all probability, you are the reason he occasionally daydreams about not becoming a priest in the first place. So, share a prayer for him.
  11. Pray for the clergy, and all the clergy. If they fall, the ripples are felt far more than when it happens to the laity. 
  12. Pray for monks and nuns and their abbots and abbesses. These people have devoted their whole lives to God, and face trials and temptations the laity does not face. And speaking of laity,
  13. Pray for the laity. We need to remember that the laity are the bread and butter of the Church, and if they don’t live out their Christian vocation, the entire world suffers.
  14. Pray for missionaries. You are a Christian (most probably) because someone shared their faith with you, or because someone shared their faith with your parents, or with their parents. Let us pray that this sharing never ends.
  15. Pray for families. Any issues affecting family hurt tenfold than the ones that don’t affect family. Let us pray for all the struggling families.
  16. Pray for the authorities. Ah, now is the time to test your Christian charity! Pray for whoever is ruling your country. Kings, kings, emperor, empress, prime ministers, presidents, especially if they’re someone you disagree with politically, or even if they’re perecuring Christians. 
  17. Pray for the members of the parliament and ministers, but also for everyone who keeps the state running:
  18. Teachers, doctors, emergency services.
  19. When you pray, remember all those whose faith is fiery, that they may not falter and that their faith is increased;
  20. for those who doubt or have fallen away, that they may find that pearl of great price yet again; but most importantly,
  21. Pray for the schismatics, heretics and non-believers, that they may become one with the Church;
  22. Pray for the victims of sorcery. Just kidding, there’s no such thing. But more on that in one of my future videos! Now seriously.
  23. Pray for the sick. There are many forms of sickness. Remember, we pray not only for healing, but for the sick to preserve in their suffering and find in sickness an occasion for holiness. Along those lines,
  24. Pray especially for those who are mentally ill,
  25. those who are in pain
  26. and those who suffer addictions, as these things are especially difficult for not only the onest subjected to them, but also to the families and caregivers.  
  27. Pray for the victims of abuse, and by that, I mean all forms of abuse, be it emotional, physical, sexual and spiritual.
  28. Pray for those who are missing, that they may be found or that their loved ones may learn of their fate.
  29. Pray for the possessed. We all suffer because of demons, but the possessed suffer because of them in an especially sinister way.
  30. Pray for those in danger, whether they know of it or not. Think about it - how many times have you evaded injury, or even death, by hair’s breadth? It was probably someone’s prayer that kept you safe.
  31. Pray for refugees and victims of war.
  32. Also pray for prisoners. Our prayers often contain intercessions for those imprisoned - initially, it referred to Christians who were imprisoned for their faith, but now, when prison sentence is the main form of punishment, let us pray for those who are shut off in these dark places, whether they’re guilty or innocent.
  33. Pray for victims of disasters. This includes both natural and man-made disasters.
  34. Pray for widows and orphans. The Church traditionally prayed and cared for these two categories of the especially vulnerable, and you should too.
  35. Pray for the poor, but also pray for the unemployed. During one Liturgy, while the priest was reading the intercessions during the Liturgy of St. Basil the Great, one of the candlebearers asked me why the unemployed aren’t referenced. I suppose that unemployment wasn’t such big of a concept in 4th century, but there’s no reason why you shouldn’t pray for the unemployed.
  36. Pray for the lonely
  37. and those who despair. Loneliness and despair are cancers of modern mind. We never had more social networks and less honest human interaction than we have today.
  38. Pray for travellers. Travel was always a risky business, and it continues to be risky today, whether it's means of transport or exotic diseases. Just keep praying for them.
  39. Pray for those who asked you to pray for them, but also
  40. Pray for those who are evil. Us humans sin because of two reasons, because we are weak or because of malice. And some people get accustomed to malice so much that they have a complete disregard for human safety or life. You might be one of those evil people. So, keep praying.
  41. Pray for the departed, that they may enter forever into the joy of the Kingdom, and 
  42. Especially for the suicides, who decided to end their life in the eclipse of their minds.
  43. Also remember to pray for people who were denied a Christian burial, but also
  44. For people who have died without ever being a Christian. In that regard,
  45. Pray for the victims of abortion.
  46. Remember to pray for those who have no one to pray for them, and also
  47. for people you’ve caused to sin. Yes, we all like to pray for protection. But sometimes we need to ask the Lord to protect other people from ourselves.
  48. In that regard, remember to pray for yourself. The Lord commands us to love others as much as we love ourselves, and if we don't love ourselves, we are incapable to love others.
  49. And finally, remember to pray for your favorite Youtuber.
  50. And also me.

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